
Amir Zeyghami

PhD, Scientific Assistant to the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Lecturer


Amir Zeyghami graduated in 2010 with a Master’s in Persian Language and Literature from the University of Tehran. From September 2009 to August 2014, he worked as a researcher in the “Persian Language and Literature in the Subcontinent” Department at the Academy of Persian Language and Literature in Tehran. He then moved to Armenia and studied the Armenian language at the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Students of Yerevan State University from 2014 to 2015. From 2017 to 2024, Amir was a PhD student in Philology (Old and New Languages of Asia) at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU) in Yerevan. In June 2024, he defended his PhD dissertation entitled “Semantic Development of Ethnonyms in Classical Persian Literature (IX-XVI centuries)” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Garnik S. Asatrian.

Scientific interests

  • Persian Language
  • Classical Persian Literature
  • Armenian Language

List of publications

  • “An unfamiliar Phrase in a Verse Attributed to Labībī” (in Persian), Dialectology and Folklore, vol. 2.1, 2024, pp. 115-118.
  • “Some Remarks on the Term Abxāz in Classical Persian Literature and Historiography”, Iran and the Caucasus, vol. 26.2, 2022, pp. 156-161.
  • “Armanī (Հայ) ցեղանունը պարսից դասական գրականության և իրանական պատմագրության մեջ”, Регион и мир, № 3, 2022, pp. 96-97.
  • [Review of:] “Ludwig Paul (with the cooperation of Pejman Firoozbakhsh), An Analytical Bibliography of New Iranian Languages and Dialects. Based on Persian Publications since ca. 1980, Wiesbaden: “Ludwig Reichert Verlag”, 2022.— 444 pp”, Iran and the Caucasus, vol. 26.3, 2022, p. 308.
  • “Этноним Rūs (русский) в классической персидской литературе и иранской историографии” CAUCASO-CASPICA, Выпуск VI, Под редакцей Г. Асатряна, 2021, ср. 167-170.
  • “A Note on Some Pharmacological Terms in the Manuscript of the Dastūr al-Adviya”, (in Persian), Штудии по кавказско-каспийской словесности, vol. 2.1 (5), 2021, pp. 61-69.
  • “Notes on Iranian Myths in Armenian Folk Tales (Translation and Annotation of Two Armenian Folk Tales)” (in Persian), Штудии по кавказско-каспийской словесности, vol. 1.4, 2020, pp. 79-92.
  • “Gēlakūn. An Armenian Place-name in Niẓāmīʼs Xusraw u Šīrīn”, Iranian Studies in Honour of Adriano V. Rossi, Part II, S. Badalkhan et al. (eds.), Napoli, 2019, pp. 1043-1046.
  • “Rāšidī, Pīr Ḥusāmuddīn” (in Persian), The Great Islamic Encyclopaedia, vol. XXIV, K. Musavi-Boǰnurdi (ed.), Tehran: The Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopaedia, 2019, pp. 540-541.
  • “Rāmī, Šaraf al-Dīn” (in Persian), The Great Islamic Encyclopaedia, vol. XXIV, K. Musavi-Boǰnurdi (ed.), Tehran: The Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopaedia, 2019, pp. 566- 568.
  • «Դայլամ ցեղանունն արաբական դասական գրականության մեջ», Հոդվածների ժողովածու (Տասներկուերորդ տարեկան գիտաժողով, Հայ-Ռուսական համալսարան, 4–9 դեկտեմբերի 2017թ.), Երևան. ՀՌՀ Հրատարակչություն., 2018թ, էջ 586- 589.
  • “Термины "фарс" и "курд" в сочинении ал-Булдан иранского географа Якуби”, CAUCASO-CASPICA, Выпуск II-III, Под редакцей Г. Асатряна, 2018, ср. 297-300.
  • “Saḥābī Astarābādī” (in Persian), Encyclopaedia of the World of Islam, vol. XXIII, Г. ‘A. Ḥaddâd ‘Âdel (ed.), Tehran: Encyclopaedia Islamica Foundation, 2017, pp. 133-134.
  • “Ḥamza-nāma” (in Persian), Encyclopaedia of Persian Language and Literature in the Subcontinent, vol. III, Tehran: Academy of Persian Language and Literature, 2013, pp. 120-122.
  • “Xāvarān-nāma” (in Persian), Encyclopaedia of Persian Language and Literature in the Subcontinent, vol. III, Tehran: Academy of Persian Language and Literature, 2013, pp. 182-183.
  • “Rustam-Mīrzā Ṣafavī” (in Persian), Encyclopaedia of Persian Language and Literature in the Subcontinent, vol. III, Tehran: Academy of Persian Language and Literature, 2013, pp. 436-437.
  • “Sāqī-nāma” (in Persian), Encyclopaedia of Persian Language and Literature in the Subcontinent, vol. III, Tehran: Academy of Persian Language and Literature, 2013, pp. 546-551.
  • “A Critical Review of the Edition of Taδkira-i Ṣubḥ-i Gulšan” (in Persian), Šebhe-qârre (Viže-nâme-ye Nâme-ye Farhangestân), vol.1.1, 2013, pp. 357-371.
  • “The Influence of Bābā-Faghānī Šīrāzī on the Poetic Currents of the Safavid Era” (in Persian), Journal of Persian Language and Literature (Gowhar-e guyâ), vol. 5. 2, 2011, pp. 19-42.
  • “Šahīdī Qumī’s Biography and Poetry Style” (in Persian), Stylistics and Texts Analysis of Persian Poetry and Prose (Bahâr-e adab), vol. 2. 4, 2010, pp. 15-32.
  • “The Influence of the Incidentalist School (maktab-i vuqūʿ) in the Evolution of Persian Poetry” (in Persian), Literary Essays (Jostârhâ-ye adabi), vol. 1.4, 2009.

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